Friday, June 24, 2011

RT and Sayaw Interpretasyon

I am doubling the urgency of choosing a book for reader's theatre. we need to choose ASAP before other sections get the book we want earlier. Here is current list of books going to be used by each section. This may change. Charm - wala pa
Electron - wala pa
Gluon - wala pa
Graviton - wala pa
Muon - 16(intro) at 22(bulk)
Photon - 16
Tau - 22
Truth - 22/24 in case you want to know why 16 and 22 are very much in demand, 16 talks about the death of patroclus while 22 talks about achilles' revenge.
update: you are free to chose any book from Iliad, even the ones that are going to be discussed in class.
Update*: please go to our facebook group, and vote for the Iliad book you want to be used for RT. thank you!

Sayaw Interpretasyon

I can't display the link to the google docs folder of our sayaw interpretasyon possible songs. ask me privately or check our facebook group. Google Docs kinda suck at these kinds of things. It's mainly used for documents, not folders. I highly (seriously) encourage you guys get dropbox accounts so that we can have an online database that everyone can view, add and edit files. the best thing is there is no need for the use of passwords. i'll explain more once you get dropbox accounts. you can either go to or use my referral link(shamelessly advertising):

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